Building Healthy Habits - Exercise


'Building Healthy Habits – Exercise' aims to help seafarers keep their bodies and minds fit and well.  It consists of helpful information and some useful example activities which anyone can try, whatever fitness level / experience they are starting from.

The activities include a selection that can be done alone, with other crew members onboard, or even across a fleet of vessels to help get as many people involved as possible.

We recommend starting slowly and choosing a variety of activities from the three areas below, but they can also be arranged according to what works best for you and what activities you like most.


 **Important Note** 
Read the 'top tips' in Types of Exercise before starting any of the activities.


Stay strong, healthy and safe!

Working on ships can be physically and mentally challenging, so it is very important to look after yourself.

Creating healthy habits during your time onboard is an easy way to make small changes that can help you stay safe and well at work.  You can practice these habits at home too, to help build a healthier body and mind for you and your family.  Being in good physical and mental health will also help you respond to unexpected situations and activities more successfully, wherever you are!

Getting fit and staying fit onboard is one of the healthiest habits you can create.  So, there is no better time to get started than now!

See 'Further Reading' pages below to start your journey.  These pages are also available as an information booklet under 'Downloads', along with the activity cards.